Oil Pulling: What Is It & Why & How We Should Be Doing It

Oil Pulling: What Is It & Why & How We Should Be Doing It

Oil Pulling, the perfect combination of ancient and modern. Where did it come from, why do we do it and HOW does it work? We want to demystify this popular practice for you today. Plus: step by step directions on how to oil pull for yourself at home, with ease.

Today's practice of oil pulling is often believed to have come from the practices of ancient Ayur Veda. There are some ideas and practices that took place in these times that may very well have inspired the current trend to care for the mouth in using properly cured oils and herbs.

The practice that really was described in the Ayur Vedic texts was a much different practice than what we know today, and it's one called Gandusha. This, in short involved filling the entire mouth with so much oil that one could not possibly swish or speak or open the mouth at all. It is believed to have many benefits, and much of this is because of the high quality oil spending so much time in the mouth. It is, however, very difficult to do, and quite messy at that. There is another practice called Kavalagraha which involves a bit less oil, but a similar process.

Today's oil pulling may have been inspired by these traditional ideas, but is much more like swishing with a mouthwash than holding a mouth full of oil. Let's meet in the middle. Introducing: Oil Pulling.

Effective oil pulling is the practice of swishing with a properly cured and prepared oil that can nurture the tissues in the mouth, while also helping to draw out undesirable bacteria, infections or inflammation from the area. Many consider it a “detoxifying” practice, and claim that their mouth, teeth and gums have greatly improved in health through this practice.

Some customers have shared with us that their feelings of chronic sinus congestion has improved, or even that headaches have lessened since practicing oil pulling. Personally, I notice that my teeth feel shiny and smooth, and almost stronger. My gums feel tight and are a healthy pink hue. It is believed that the practice of oil pulling can help strengthen the muscles in the jaw and ease tension there as well, for those who struggle with tightness like TMJ.

Relating this whole idea back to the Ayur Vedic practice of Gandusha, how did this idea transform so much into what it is today? And how does it come back to the ancient practices? One thing that was described in detail is the way that the oil should be prepared, and the proper herbs and oils to use to get the benefit.

We learned the proper way of curing and preparing oils to be used for these methods by working with Ayur Vedic doctors who read out the verses from the Charaka Samhita (Vedic Texts) and taking many courses in India, lead by the best and most traditional Maharishi Ayur Vedic doctors in the world. Since learning this method we are able to create it for you, too! And we do so in our Detox Oil Pulling Formula.

Sesame oil itself is special and contains many medicinal and nurturing properties. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, and a very nutrient dense oil. When used topically, sesame oil is very nourishing to the skin, especially. This includes the tissues in the mouth, and teeth too. Sesame oil has a strengthening effect. Sesame can be warming and improve blood flow. This is especially useful for one with lack of circulation in the mouth that could be contributing to gum problems.

Swishing with sesame oil has been shown to help reduce bacteria in the mouth, and improve the health of the teeth and gums. It can reduce plaque and even whiten the teeth. The anti-inflammatory action of sesame oil is also beneficial to the mouth and helpful in reducing pain and inflamed areas.

It is also nurturing, emotionally and physically in ways that can help us all. Whether it is an oil massage on the skin, or oil pulling in the mouth, sesame oil is a great ally to us all!

It is of course important to use natural, pure and organic oil for this practice. Many have described using coconut oil in current times, instead of sesame. The problem here is that we simply don't know as much about coconut oil and its effects on oral health in this practice as we do about sesame, as described in the ancient Ayur Vedic texts. And personally, we always recommend using pure sesame oil, cured in the proper way.

And we offer this, here for you today in the form of our Detox Oil Pulling formula.

Next we will talk about just how to practice Oil Pulling, as well as when, and how often.

It's simple – to begin oil pulling:

1. Put a small amount, about 1- 1 1/2 teaspoons of properly cured sesame oil, like our Detox Oil Pulling Formula into your mouth.

2. Swish. Easily swish the oil mixture thoroughly around your mouth so it can get to all areas. The swishing will stimulate the saliva to mix with the oil. Continue swishing for as long as is comfortable and easy.

Swishing during your shower or other activity is time-effective, many people enjoy doing this in the shower or while getting ready in the morning. Be sure to swish without effort and without swallowing the oil mixture. If necessary, you can just swish for 1 or 2 minutes, but the longer, the better. Never swallow the oil!

3. The last step is to rinse. When you have finished, spit the resulting mixture out into the trash or toilet, be careful not to clog the sink with oil. Again, do not swallow! Thoroughly rinse your mouth out with comfortably hot to warm water, and you're done!

4. You can use a tongue cleaner/scraper at this time.

We think you will find this to be an enjoyable, peaceful moment of your day. Swishing with oil can be quite a comfort to anyone who tries, while at the same time bringing about so many great benefits for our health. Why not give it a try, today!

Thanks friends,

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Aug 3rd 2018

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